Success Story

Finding Smarter Solutions

How a Care Advocate's strategic intervention transformed a costly hip replacement into a high-quality, affordable experience, saving $100,000.

A 17-year-old boy from central California faced a total hip replacement procedure costing a staggering $158,000 at a local hospital. Through the diligent work of a Care Advocate, they secured a bundled rate of $58,000 at a top-five national hospital for the procedure within driving distance.

The family agreed to switch facilities, and the Care Advocate made the arrangements, providing a hotel stay and covering mileage and meals. After a two-day hospital stay, the teenager was discharged to the hotel where both the physical therapist and surgeon paid visits to ensure a smooth recovery.

The family remained at the hotel for three extra days to monitor the boy's progress before returning home. Thanks to the Care Advocate's efforts, the family paid nothing, and the member and employer collectively saved $100,000.

Savings Breakdown

  • $0 copay: Members saved $5,000 out-of-pocket

  • 64% savings: Employer saved $95,000

  • Health Crisis Resolution Saves $34k

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